Tuesday, February 15, 2011


So I've done ranted much on the topic of getting rid of the federal reserve and going back to the gold standard.
And i will admit it, I've nay-sayed.
But I found this dude, and watched about two hours worth of his videos.
Now I'm totally about it. I was wrong.
This dude, a self proclaimed survivalist, has like 7 thousand dollars in nickels. The reason he has all these nickels is that if the dollar collapses and money suddenly becomes no good, at that point nickels will still be made from 25 percent nickel and 75 percent copper, which will make them worth at the very least five cents. This confuses me a whole bunch and yet still makes sense.
Well, i trust this guy because I've never seen a man more hell bent on continuing to exist through possible great tragedy. He is prepared for 2012. He is so committed to surviving incredible, hypothetical calamity, that he's willing to do whatever it takes, even if that means spending all of his last few precious years living in a relatively peaceful society, preparing for the end of the world, dog eat dog sort of scenario, where anyone who approaches must be postal worked with one of his many weapons.
He has tons of badass, expensive looking guns. Shotguns, fully automatic weapons, he carries multiple handguns everyday to work, he carries a fake wallet, in case he gets mugged.
He will not show his face, and rightly so. Looking at this man in the eyes would be like looking at the face of a war God. His house, his wife, his family, they are impenetrable, and short of dying from any sort of natural type disaster, like a flood, or tornado, or earthquake or sudden super volcano, or meteor, or car crash, or cancer, or old age, or an allergic reaction or drowning, they will live on most likely forever.
To me it seems depressing to spend all of one's free time preparing for something one doesn't want to happen. Unless of course he kind of does want it to happen. I can totally relate to that. I often picture myself crawling out of my bunker amidst the economic apocalypse, dawning a tactical vest, hunting looters and protecting my love in an every man for himself type world. Then i get depressed thinking about death. Then i remember that life is way cool now. Why not just live life to fullest while it's still nice, here in the belly of the beast? I worry that he must get depressed, spending all of his time planning out Americas funeral.
However I have to say, this survival dude actually seems pretty happy, and he must be. I mean one must really like life to want to survive disaster so much.
Plus, "when the shit hits the fan," and my bunker is discovered by post apocalyptic biker gangs, and they try to take my stuff, I will be forced to say, "please don't." And then they will take it anyway, and then they will beat me up, and then maybe rape me and cannibalize me while raping me. Where as on the other hand, this guy will shoot to kill and exchange his nickels for something like the last candy bar or something, because everyone will want nickels and he will move on through the woods and forests and be like, "I'm glad i spent so much time preparing for this shit. It's like a playground out here. I'm a little boy and recess has finally arrived."
I do think that this fellow is truly motivated out of love for his family. Like so many fathers, he simply wants to prepare so as to always be able to take care of and protect his wife and kids. His expensive door locks and guns are kind of adorable. I wish him all the luck in the world. The only thing i worry about is the possibility of the economy recovering and this man living out a boring future. For his sake, I hope the end comes soon.
There are commercials for his many videos. Someone is paying him to survive.

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