Friday, February 25, 2011

Bill and The Truth

Bill Maher has had an interesting history with the truth about 9/11. He has openly attacked the supposed conspiracy theorists and they in return have showed up at his show and screamed at him and his guests and everyone that 9/11 was an inside job, and to consider building seven for example. Then Bill jumps up and runs at them and sort of awkwardly stands behind security while they remove the screaming truther. So then in return Bill will mention 9/11 and make fun of the people (many of them widows and widowers) who have dedicated their lives to finding out about something that really messed up their lives. And they will see their research mocked, and again, deal with it how broken people deal with that sort of rejection, they again go to Bill Mahers show and yell at him and he again threatens to kick them out of the house, and it's your Dad, and he says "get out of my house!" He's yelling at you and telling you that you're wrong about something you know in your heart that you are absolutely without a doubt right about. He is the one who is wrong, but he's your Dad and there's nothing you can do to teach him anything. You know deep in your broken teenage heart, that 9/11 was an inside job, because you have seen all the youtube videos, and your Dad hasn't seen shit, and you know that defending the mainstream explanation of 9/11, is like defending creationisim, or the earth being flat. You know this the way you know that mowing the lawn is bullshit and you want your Dad to know too, because your Dad was so cool when you were younger, but he's too old to learn anything as crazy and radical as the new knowledge that war is bullshit, and 9/11 was an inside job, and so you yell at your Dad, you yell at Bill Maher and he comes running at you and he has a team of goons! And you're kicked out now, sitting on the curb outside the studio, and you know this is Bill's fault, he should have just interviewed you like a decent human being, and your mentally penning a letter, "Bill, this is your fault, you wouldn't have me on, so i had to come on and yell, and everybody lost. I lost too Bill. It was humiliating."
The whole thing reminds me of Iraq and Bill is the American government and the truther's are insurgents, the gangs of children trying to fight off the occupation. That's quite a stretch but I'm going to let it stand. He thinks he can win by increasing security, but occupations of truth rarely win. If the truthers interrupt him every day, won't he eventually have to give in and at least sit down on his political discussion show, with a couple of clear thinking experts and discuss one of the most crazy days in American history? Won't he have to give in eventually? What if they start throwing water balloons everyday?
Also, i think it is important to mention that Bill got kicked off Network television for saying, "controversial" shit about 9/11. So it's likely he is a little hesitant to go back into it. I guess it's hard to blame him. I mean who doesn't want a TV show?

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