Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cops Harass Awkward Kid Because of Homemade Shirt!

This guy has been pushed to the limit and i think it's fucking unfair as shit. Yes he is a little awkward but we all are at that age, and yes he did write radical political out bursts in marker all over his T shirts. But I admire his passion, the pigs shouldn't bother people for dressing weird or declaring in marker their beliefs. His shirt says 9/11 was an inside job on it, and I'm like, yup, i know it was home slice, keep speaking that truth. But then his shirt says, impeach Obama, well, ok, I dig, the dude is the deception, and he is the president, and he caved into the banks, or the wars keep going, or whatever maybe you just don't like him, i dig, but dude...if you impeach Obama, which would take like forever to actually do, then even if you do that, which i don't think is very likely, then after all that work we'd spend kicking out Obama, you got Biden in the big man's chair. Joe Biden. I mean say what you will bout Obama. But i mean Biden is no better right? So i then i guess you gotta go after Joe, impeach his ass too, but then fuck, Speaker of the House John Boehner is the new pres. After that it's Daniel Inoyea, then, and you're gonna like this one, Hillary Rodham Clinton. And of course, the point is that the list of succession goes on:

President of the United States Barack Obama
1 Vice President of the United States Joseph Biden
2 Speaker of the House John Boehner
3 President pro tempore of the Senate Daniel Inouye
4 Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
5 Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner
6 Secretary of Defense Robert Gates*
7 Attorney General Eric Holder
8 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar
9 Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack
10 Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke
11 Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis
12 Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius
13 Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan
14 Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood
15 Secretary of Energy Steven Chu
16 Secretary of Education Arne Duncan
17 Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki
18 Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano
*Robert Gates the Secretary of Defense,
Some of these people weren't even elected. There is always someone else ready to step up and be the dick in charge. I mean do you put your faith in Ray LaHood Sec of Transportation, or do you want Homeland Security in charge? I suppose i could see if we just successfully kept impeaching figures of power, until there were none left, but i mean eventually you will run out of people willing to do the impeaching. Then the Impeachers are in charge which to me sounds like some sort of nightmare situation, where paradox rules and your stuck trying to impeach the impeaching comity for an eternity, like a snake eating its ass or whatever. Plus corporations have as much if not more power than the state anymore. How do you impeach Haliburton? How did I get started writing about this? Oh yeah, here's the dudes video about getting hassled by the man just for trying to tell the world that 9/11 was in an inside job.

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