Monday, February 7, 2011

42012 Steps Towards Inflation

This next video scared the bejesus out of me! It's about how inflation will destroy our country and lead us all into a total state of chaos and horror in 2012. The Fed and China and Obama will fuck us basically.
Alot of truth knowers believe that if we just got rid of the Federal Reserve and backed our currency with gold, and got all libertarian on everyone's ass, then capitalism would work!
People have been hating against the Fed since Andrew Jackson. And that dude got assassinated, most likely for hating on the Federal reserve and actually balancing the budget, and cutting out the international banker middle men. So then truth people are like, "Andrew Jackson was a hero! Because he hated what I hate, The Federal Reserve!"
But Andrew Jackson was just another asshole genocidal indian killer war monger dickhead. Maybe the most genocidal president we've ever had.
What's my point?
Look, the federal reserve sucks, and inflation really does destroy countries, but you know what else destroys countries? Libertarian unfettered capitalism. You know what else destroys countries? Communism.
So what are you supposed to do? Your stuck between the left and the right, and both sides are shaped like a giant knife dildo and they're fucking you and you're like, "Ok, i get it, both systems suck for everyone except for a select few, stop fucking me!"
But according to this video they will not stop fucking us until the whole country's on fire.
As far as this video is concerned the only way to protect yourself is to put all of your money into gold, and sit on your pile of gold with your double barrel while watching your neighbors starve, like a good old fashioned libertarian. And the only way to save the country is to scare everyone into revolting against the FED i guess, or Obama, or maybe by fucking up China?
It's unclear what we are supposed to do.
To me it seems like if you take the international bankers out of power, you will more than likely just transfer that power to the state or to some other international corporation, or to a genocidal alcoholic Indian killer, like Jackson.
So I don't know.
Maybe the only way to truly make the world better is for all of the major societies on earth to collapse. Maybe then humans will devolve, and just lay in the sun and eat raw fish and fuck in the sand until a meteor wipes us all out for good. The only thing that would suck (beyond all the death and cannibalism) about this modern, post industrial, war torn, global society collapsing into a pile of dust, is that while the earth descends into chaos, we will still have the socialists, the libertarians, the democrats, the republicans, and the fucking green party, all pointing fingers at the other side, screaming all at once, that they, "told us so."

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