Monday, February 28, 2011

Louis CK confronts Rumsfeld about being a Lizard

You know how sometimes you wake up in the bunker and you are a little bored, a little tired with life. You have that feeling like, "I know nothing is going to surprise or entertain me today, I've seen it all, and so it is all boring." Then you make a bunch of coffee to try and caffeine away the feeling, but it lingers even after the buzz hit's home. Then you go on youtube, and you find the greatest fucking clip ever!!!!! Well that happened to me!!!!! For real, what could be better than one of my favorite comedians of all time, Louis CK, asking one of my least favorite reptilians of all time, Don Rumsfeld on radio, whether or not he is a lizard. For real. Louis CK asks Don if Don is a flesh eating lizard. And Rumsfeld doesn't say no!!! Because he totally is a lizard!!!!

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