Monday, February 28, 2011

Louis CK confronts Rumsfeld about being a Lizard

You know how sometimes you wake up in the bunker and you are a little bored, a little tired with life. You have that feeling like, "I know nothing is going to surprise or entertain me today, I've seen it all, and so it is all boring." Then you make a bunch of coffee to try and caffeine away the feeling, but it lingers even after the buzz hit's home. Then you go on youtube, and you find the greatest fucking clip ever!!!!! Well that happened to me!!!!! For real, what could be better than one of my favorite comedians of all time, Louis CK, asking one of my least favorite reptilians of all time, Don Rumsfeld on radio, whether or not he is a lizard. For real. Louis CK asks Don if Don is a flesh eating lizard. And Rumsfeld doesn't say no!!! Because he totally is a lizard!!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Bill and The Truth

Bill Maher has had an interesting history with the truth about 9/11. He has openly attacked the supposed conspiracy theorists and they in return have showed up at his show and screamed at him and his guests and everyone that 9/11 was an inside job, and to consider building seven for example. Then Bill jumps up and runs at them and sort of awkwardly stands behind security while they remove the screaming truther. So then in return Bill will mention 9/11 and make fun of the people (many of them widows and widowers) who have dedicated their lives to finding out about something that really messed up their lives. And they will see their research mocked, and again, deal with it how broken people deal with that sort of rejection, they again go to Bill Mahers show and yell at him and he again threatens to kick them out of the house, and it's your Dad, and he says "get out of my house!" He's yelling at you and telling you that you're wrong about something you know in your heart that you are absolutely without a doubt right about. He is the one who is wrong, but he's your Dad and there's nothing you can do to teach him anything. You know deep in your broken teenage heart, that 9/11 was an inside job, because you have seen all the youtube videos, and your Dad hasn't seen shit, and you know that defending the mainstream explanation of 9/11, is like defending creationisim, or the earth being flat. You know this the way you know that mowing the lawn is bullshit and you want your Dad to know too, because your Dad was so cool when you were younger, but he's too old to learn anything as crazy and radical as the new knowledge that war is bullshit, and 9/11 was an inside job, and so you yell at your Dad, you yell at Bill Maher and he comes running at you and he has a team of goons! And you're kicked out now, sitting on the curb outside the studio, and you know this is Bill's fault, he should have just interviewed you like a decent human being, and your mentally penning a letter, "Bill, this is your fault, you wouldn't have me on, so i had to come on and yell, and everybody lost. I lost too Bill. It was humiliating."
The whole thing reminds me of Iraq and Bill is the American government and the truther's are insurgents, the gangs of children trying to fight off the occupation. That's quite a stretch but I'm going to let it stand. He thinks he can win by increasing security, but occupations of truth rarely win. If the truthers interrupt him every day, won't he eventually have to give in and at least sit down on his political discussion show, with a couple of clear thinking experts and discuss one of the most crazy days in American history? Won't he have to give in eventually? What if they start throwing water balloons everyday?
Also, i think it is important to mention that Bill got kicked off Network television for saying, "controversial" shit about 9/11. So it's likely he is a little hesitant to go back into it. I guess it's hard to blame him. I mean who doesn't want a TV show?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cops Harass Awkward Kid Because of Homemade Shirt!

This guy has been pushed to the limit and i think it's fucking unfair as shit. Yes he is a little awkward but we all are at that age, and yes he did write radical political out bursts in marker all over his T shirts. But I admire his passion, the pigs shouldn't bother people for dressing weird or declaring in marker their beliefs. His shirt says 9/11 was an inside job on it, and I'm like, yup, i know it was home slice, keep speaking that truth. But then his shirt says, impeach Obama, well, ok, I dig, the dude is the deception, and he is the president, and he caved into the banks, or the wars keep going, or whatever maybe you just don't like him, i dig, but dude...if you impeach Obama, which would take like forever to actually do, then even if you do that, which i don't think is very likely, then after all that work we'd spend kicking out Obama, you got Biden in the big man's chair. Joe Biden. I mean say what you will bout Obama. But i mean Biden is no better right? So i then i guess you gotta go after Joe, impeach his ass too, but then fuck, Speaker of the House John Boehner is the new pres. After that it's Daniel Inoyea, then, and you're gonna like this one, Hillary Rodham Clinton. And of course, the point is that the list of succession goes on:

President of the United States Barack Obama
1 Vice President of the United States Joseph Biden
2 Speaker of the House John Boehner
3 President pro tempore of the Senate Daniel Inouye
4 Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
5 Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner
6 Secretary of Defense Robert Gates*
7 Attorney General Eric Holder
8 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar
9 Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack
10 Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke
11 Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis
12 Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius
13 Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan
14 Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood
15 Secretary of Energy Steven Chu
16 Secretary of Education Arne Duncan
17 Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki
18 Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano
*Robert Gates the Secretary of Defense,
Some of these people weren't even elected. There is always someone else ready to step up and be the dick in charge. I mean do you put your faith in Ray LaHood Sec of Transportation, or do you want Homeland Security in charge? I suppose i could see if we just successfully kept impeaching figures of power, until there were none left, but i mean eventually you will run out of people willing to do the impeaching. Then the Impeachers are in charge which to me sounds like some sort of nightmare situation, where paradox rules and your stuck trying to impeach the impeaching comity for an eternity, like a snake eating its ass or whatever. Plus corporations have as much if not more power than the state anymore. How do you impeach Haliburton? How did I get started writing about this? Oh yeah, here's the dudes video about getting hassled by the man just for trying to tell the world that 9/11 was in an inside job.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Toilet Paper Truth

I've been getting pretty worked up lately about the apocalypse. Mostly because i am officially obsessed with this survivalist dude. He has an arsenal, he has stockpiled food and soda, including dehydrated food, water supply, cough syrup, super door locks, motion censors, a survival dog, seven thousand dollars in nickels, a loving family, a generator, a well organized basement, and a couple of cats. He carries handguns to work, has bags packed for his kids in case at any time they need to run from the federal government or looters or anything really. He has machine guns, shot guns, laser sights, multiple handguns on his person at all times, or least when he's not at work (just one concealed gun for work). He has a survival pack for his dog. He has his anonymity and tons of videos. And while accomplishing total security and the sort of painstaking preparation that would make an eagle scout cry, he manages to find the time to uncover and report on a scandal within the toilet paper industry. It might just be time to buy a fucking gun.
This guy is amazing. I want to interview him, but he doesn't seem to want to make any personal friends. I could see myself becoming a loose end in his otherwise successfully secret identity. So for now i will watch his videos and admire and feel totally unprepared for the coming end times.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Truth Via Street Rap Youtube Video Album

This is all the way back from 2008, but I have just recently been listening to it in it's entirety again. Prodigy(from Mobb Deep) is one of my favorite rappers of all time and released the album H.N.I.C. 2 shortly before going to prison. To maximize his time when he found out that he was definitely headed there, he decided to shoot a video for every song on the album. Those videos were released on the 3 disc collectors edition of H.N.I.C. 2 (the third disc has commentary over each track of the album about his thought process and what went into making the music as it as the album plays more quietly than normal in the background).
Prodigy stays in g-mode (as always) but also gets into real truth quite a bit. He is as negative as ever I'd say, despite his riches (which he also reminds you of), because of some of the very truth that is spoken of on this website(and I imagine the Sickle Cell Anemia that he's had all his life hasn't helped his outlook much either, judging by the song on the first H.N.I.C. "You Can Never Feel My Pain"). He is also totally ready to kill any man that he has to.
Pretty much all of the videos for the album are on youtube, which I have compiled into a playlist. So watch 'em or just put it on in the background, since it's just a good album anyway.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


So I've done ranted much on the topic of getting rid of the federal reserve and going back to the gold standard.
And i will admit it, I've nay-sayed.
But I found this dude, and watched about two hours worth of his videos.
Now I'm totally about it. I was wrong.
This dude, a self proclaimed survivalist, has like 7 thousand dollars in nickels. The reason he has all these nickels is that if the dollar collapses and money suddenly becomes no good, at that point nickels will still be made from 25 percent nickel and 75 percent copper, which will make them worth at the very least five cents. This confuses me a whole bunch and yet still makes sense.
Well, i trust this guy because I've never seen a man more hell bent on continuing to exist through possible great tragedy. He is prepared for 2012. He is so committed to surviving incredible, hypothetical calamity, that he's willing to do whatever it takes, even if that means spending all of his last few precious years living in a relatively peaceful society, preparing for the end of the world, dog eat dog sort of scenario, where anyone who approaches must be postal worked with one of his many weapons.
He has tons of badass, expensive looking guns. Shotguns, fully automatic weapons, he carries multiple handguns everyday to work, he carries a fake wallet, in case he gets mugged.
He will not show his face, and rightly so. Looking at this man in the eyes would be like looking at the face of a war God. His house, his wife, his family, they are impenetrable, and short of dying from any sort of natural type disaster, like a flood, or tornado, or earthquake or sudden super volcano, or meteor, or car crash, or cancer, or old age, or an allergic reaction or drowning, they will live on most likely forever.
To me it seems depressing to spend all of one's free time preparing for something one doesn't want to happen. Unless of course he kind of does want it to happen. I can totally relate to that. I often picture myself crawling out of my bunker amidst the economic apocalypse, dawning a tactical vest, hunting looters and protecting my love in an every man for himself type world. Then i get depressed thinking about death. Then i remember that life is way cool now. Why not just live life to fullest while it's still nice, here in the belly of the beast? I worry that he must get depressed, spending all of his time planning out Americas funeral.
However I have to say, this survival dude actually seems pretty happy, and he must be. I mean one must really like life to want to survive disaster so much.
Plus, "when the shit hits the fan," and my bunker is discovered by post apocalyptic biker gangs, and they try to take my stuff, I will be forced to say, "please don't." And then they will take it anyway, and then they will beat me up, and then maybe rape me and cannibalize me while raping me. Where as on the other hand, this guy will shoot to kill and exchange his nickels for something like the last candy bar or something, because everyone will want nickels and he will move on through the woods and forests and be like, "I'm glad i spent so much time preparing for this shit. It's like a playground out here. I'm a little boy and recess has finally arrived."
I do think that this fellow is truly motivated out of love for his family. Like so many fathers, he simply wants to prepare so as to always be able to take care of and protect his wife and kids. His expensive door locks and guns are kind of adorable. I wish him all the luck in the world. The only thing i worry about is the possibility of the economy recovering and this man living out a boring future. For his sake, I hope the end comes soon.
There are commercials for his many videos. Someone is paying him to survive.

Monday, February 7, 2011

42012 Steps Towards Inflation

This next video scared the bejesus out of me! It's about how inflation will destroy our country and lead us all into a total state of chaos and horror in 2012. The Fed and China and Obama will fuck us basically.
Alot of truth knowers believe that if we just got rid of the Federal Reserve and backed our currency with gold, and got all libertarian on everyone's ass, then capitalism would work!
People have been hating against the Fed since Andrew Jackson. And that dude got assassinated, most likely for hating on the Federal reserve and actually balancing the budget, and cutting out the international banker middle men. So then truth people are like, "Andrew Jackson was a hero! Because he hated what I hate, The Federal Reserve!"
But Andrew Jackson was just another asshole genocidal indian killer war monger dickhead. Maybe the most genocidal president we've ever had.
What's my point?
Look, the federal reserve sucks, and inflation really does destroy countries, but you know what else destroys countries? Libertarian unfettered capitalism. You know what else destroys countries? Communism.
So what are you supposed to do? Your stuck between the left and the right, and both sides are shaped like a giant knife dildo and they're fucking you and you're like, "Ok, i get it, both systems suck for everyone except for a select few, stop fucking me!"
But according to this video they will not stop fucking us until the whole country's on fire.
As far as this video is concerned the only way to protect yourself is to put all of your money into gold, and sit on your pile of gold with your double barrel while watching your neighbors starve, like a good old fashioned libertarian. And the only way to save the country is to scare everyone into revolting against the FED i guess, or Obama, or maybe by fucking up China?
It's unclear what we are supposed to do.
To me it seems like if you take the international bankers out of power, you will more than likely just transfer that power to the state or to some other international corporation, or to a genocidal alcoholic Indian killer, like Jackson.
So I don't know.
Maybe the only way to truly make the world better is for all of the major societies on earth to collapse. Maybe then humans will devolve, and just lay in the sun and eat raw fish and fuck in the sand until a meteor wipes us all out for good. The only thing that would suck (beyond all the death and cannibalism) about this modern, post industrial, war torn, global society collapsing into a pile of dust, is that while the earth descends into chaos, we will still have the socialists, the libertarians, the democrats, the republicans, and the fucking green party, all pointing fingers at the other side, screaming all at once, that they, "told us so."

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Ladies and gentle sheeple. It has come to my attention that i have not posted in a long time. I apologize, but have lost most of the last few weeks.
I was abducted by aliens. I had been freebasing DMT. For some reason i had a strange reaction to that drug. Unlike the majority of users, who most often experience a hallucination that involves traveling through space and meeting aliens, I on the other hand, had no such hallucination, but was actually abducted by aliens, and made to travel through space in real life. My contemporaries claim that i was simply hallucinating. They claim i was actually, in real life, just camped out on the couch, totally washed for a week, occasionally hitting the pipe.
But i know the truth.
The me they saw on the couch was clearly some sort of hologram or replacement clone. I on the other hand was fucking traveling through space in a space craft, talking to aliens who were way fucking smart and total rapists.
The good news is, they want to save us from planetary distruction. The bad news is they have to examine us by probing us for weeks at a time. The good news is, they're learning how to make that experience more pleasurable. The bad news is that pleasure is addicting. The good news is you can beat the addiction. The bad news is it takes a lot of work and you can't party anymore, and it makes it tough i imagine to hang out with people who are totally partying and shit.
The good news that the truth is always there for you.
Also the aliens will save us all.
After they probe us. One at a time.
Good luck.
It will all be over soon.
Yours in Truth,
Oh and here's the ship that took me in when I was hooked on smoking all that hallucinogen.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Evolution Control Committee - All Rights Reserved

This is the latest mash-up/hyper-remixtape by The Evolution Control Committee. It's catchy, a little nostalgic, dancey and funny--parts of it actually made me laugh out loud. The entire album is pretty awesome, but my favorite tracks on first few listens are: What Would You Think If I Sang Autotune, Pwn Monkey(it's so stupid but so good) and California Dreamings.
I don't know if you can download it as a whole album for free anywhere, but you can listen to it all right here:

And here is a link to a bunch of free Evolution Control Committee mp3s.