Wednesday, March 16, 2011

No Planers and Alex Jones

Let's talk about 9/11 and the wars and Alex Jones and No Planers and protest.
1: 9/11 had nothing to do with Afghanistan or Iraq.

Most people agree that's true.

2: We went into war with these countries to lock up oil resources and support the weapons industry.

Lots of Americans believe this.

3: Corporate and some government figures lied about 9/11 to go to war.

Tons of people believe this.

4: Those same corporate interests and government officials, allowed 9/11 to happen.

Not sure how many people, but like some people believe this, let's say millions and millions.

5: Those people actually commissioned the event.

Still in the millions.

6: Those people planned, produced it and Cheney wired the buildings himself, bad heart and all.

Still millions. Alex Jones even predicted it less than a month before.

7: No planes were involved on 9/11.

Thousands. hundreds? Not sure.

8: The No Plane theory was put out by the very people who orchestrated 9/11 so as to throw everyone off the trail.

about 42012 people believe that.

Alex is one of them. He hates the No Planers. He hates that people believe that the news media was overtaken that day, and produced several false images of planes hitting buildings. But he accepts that the government wired the buildings, blew them up, and fired a missile at the pentagon. No planes there. He also does not believe that a plane crashed into a field that day. So two of the planes he believes were lies. So he might be more like a Two Planer. Which still makes him a plane hugger. Which means he hates people who think the other two planes were fake.
The truth is a raging battle. And battle is always confusing.
Here's Alex, Two Planer, sounding really depressed about Howard Stern interviewing, No Planer, Paula Gloria.

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