Monday, March 14, 2011

Dire Situation!

So, you know how depressing and crazy this whole earthquake and tsunami has been. My heart goes out to the people of Japan who have been affected by this tragedy. Thousands have died, and more are missing.
Not to bum you out further, but it turns out that this disaster, though truly terrible, has not been the worst thing to have happened recently in the world.
On February 22, terrorists burnt down this guys storage garage.
He claims to be the Chairman and CEO of the International Space Agency. So this attack was not just an attack on an average American's storage garage, but really an attack on the entire universe.
"Arsons" broke in and started the fire. I believe by "arsons" he means arsonists. But his slip of the tongue is forgivable because he has plenty on his mind. First and foremost his camera is running low on battery and he is worried about that. Also, I'm sure the CEO of the international space agency is a busy man, with endless duties. He doesn't even have time to edit out the video mistakes or be kind to his wife. Plus he's been working out of a storage garage in the middle of winter, and now his office/storage garage is kind of fucked up. The terrorist "arsons" caused this international philanthropist upwards of 2 to 3 hundred dollars worth of damage.
Then he breaks into his landlord's garage, which is next door, to show how the "arsons" got in (it is unclear as to whether or not the landlord is involved with the terrorist "arsons" plot).
So remember, don't waste your compassion on the poor people of Japan, currently dealing with unimaginable horror. Instead, donate time, money, prayers, anything you can to the CEO and chairman of the international Space Agency. Because his storage garage was damaged. Thank God his cowboy hat and all of the American flags survived the inferno.

1 comment:

  1. Clearly if he were more of a patriot, he would have scared these terrorist "arsons" off.. I mean, come on, only TWO flags?
