Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Benjamin Fulford Haarps about Haarp

Benjamin Fulford is sort of like a Jesus type character. Let me explain. See, his story is fantastic. Like Jesus, his story is so amazing, it get's a little unbelievable. However, Benjamin and his life story are again so amazing and he tells it all so well, at a certain point, it actually kind of stops mattering how true it all is. I listened to him tell his whole story, and i believe him. Every word.
Basically, in a three hour interview, Ben talks about living in the amazon (he touches briefly on his time apprenticing with a witch doctor) then he got a degree in Canada, he speaks French, Spanish, English and Japanese. He's been working as a journalist in Japan for nearly 30 years. He writes almost entirely in Japanese now. He wrote for Forbes for 6 years, he writes mostly about finance.
Then things get a little, in his words, "Weird."
Some Japanese government dude basically told him that the Western Illuminati has been stealing from Japan, and has been threatening the entire country with an Earthquake machine. So Ben checked it out, and found out about HAARP (this was like 6 years ago). Then he claims after writing about this, an assassin, threatened his life, and offered that he join the Freemasons and they would make him Finance minister of Japan, or they would kill him. So then, he's about to join, because he thinks he has no choice. THEN, he gets another offer from some giant Asian Secret society made up of Asian high ups and gangsters who offer to protect him, and so now he kind of serves as an ambassador between the two groups. HE also threatened the western Illuminati with death, if they didn't stop using their earthquake machine, via a youtube video. In fact he even sat down and talked to David Rockefeller for an extended interview in Japan, and Ben claims he just did it to show that he could have the guy killed if he wanted. But that's not what Ben wants.
He just wants both secret societies to save the world, stop stifling technology, and stop the wars, and stop trying to limit the population with disease and war and earthquake/wave machines.
Then all the shit went down in Japan.
He says that the western Illuminati knows it's on the way out, and the Asians are taking over, and this is a last ditch effort to try and keep their grasp on the world. Here's a bunch of his videos, his warning, his interview, and him interviewing Rockefeller.


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