Monday, March 28, 2011

Mabus, Anti Christ Part III

Well, Nostradamus predicted i guess three anti Christs, you'd think one would be enough, but people like numbers, especially 3 and 666. Anyway, one was Napoleon, two was Hitler. Now the new one is a dude named Mabus and he is the head of the navy right now. I'll let this video explain it, real quick.

So O'l Ray Maybus is gonna destroy the world basically. The only problem with Anti Christ predictions is they kind of presuppose the truth of actual Christ story dogma. And as you know astrotheology explains away all that's all in the stars duuuuude. But come on! Who doesn't love Nostradamus? He's all creepy and scary and probably wore like grim reaper robes and shit, and he predicts horrible dream like shit! He's like Alex Jones mixed with Shakespeare or something retarded like that. It would have been awesome back in the day to be a predictor. As far as i can tell, they just dicked around all day, ate, smoked, or huffed some weird drugs (any hallucinogen would do for these jackholes) then they'd get all crazy, and trippy and just start writing whatever the fuck they came up with and it didn't fucking matter half the time because most of the shit they predicted was like supposed to happen long after they were dead. I mean can you imagine if the president was like, "Esteemed dude on the couch, here's all the money you need, now eat this sheet of acid and tell me what's going to happen in 500 years!" Then you'd be all tripping balls, and saying shit like, "Ah the water will wash red with the meteor of fresh multitude and the banshees and man i'm freaking out here man, are we being too loud? Does everyone know I'm like fucked up? Is this going to last forever? Like what are we man? Seriously like what are we doing here dude, do you ever think about that? Maybe we should call an ambulance, but not the police man, please don't tell on me! Are you the CIA?"
Then the president is like, "Shit dude, I ain't CIA, I'm the fucking president, it's all cool, you're just tripping balls, you are in a safe place, the world is love and we are all one, you want i should put on some Fish or something jammy?"
Wouldn't that be sweet?
Anyway, real quick, this guy made an awesome short film about Mabus, where he walks around in the snow and talks like Yoda if Yoda were the antichrist instead of like Starwars Christ. You think it's dumb at first then it get's even more awesome at the end. These guys rule.

1 comment:

  1. So the next anti-Christ is either Yoda, SecNav, or one of the judges' panel of world leaders splashed in the first video.. I'm rooting for Putin, myself.
