Sunday, March 6, 2011

1.618 vs 666 vs Pi vs infinity vs 9/11:11-42012

So sure 666 rocks, I agree. As far as numbers go that one's sweet because of the devil and all the creepy badass punk rock goth shit. But are we too old for a 666 tattoo? Of course not, it's a great number and still an ultimately sweet number to get painted on forever.
And 1.618 is one of those numbers where you add one plus one, and two plus two and three plus three and then like you divide something from something and...? I'm pretty high and can't remember if that's right, anyway people find this ratio everywhere and they say that like this shit proves that the universe was designed. The annunaki put it in place as like a blow job at the end of math. They are willing to give us the truth, but like you gotta get through some basic math classes first dummy.
Pi is sweet. To me it proves that math can be broken down into pure chaos and at the same time have a sort of sense to it. You should probably make your kid memorize the digits of Pi. Don't tell him or her that it goes on probably forever (according to Aristotle, but he wasn't big on infinity) and let them figure it out for themselves maybe about 50 digits in.
Then you got infinity. Show me a bright dude that's put a good amount of time into that study and i will show you a dude who is about to hang himself or die alone in an insane asylum. I don't know what happened to Zeno after he came up with all his paradoxes. But most philosophers dedicated themselves to shooting down his stuff, that must have been a pain in the ass.
Then you got 9/11:11-42012. Not many people have heard of this number, even some of our most prominent mathematicians. And yet when multiplied by truth, and divided by the plural myth (the myth of plurality of course), you find that it teaches you to laugh at things, and accept that life's a dream and numbers are a sketch of that dream. They are beautiful abstractions describing the same universe that created them.
That's why you should get 9/11:11-42012 tattooed on your face and then watch this video and listen to this guy go over cool numbers, and then give you his opinion on what the coolest number is, spoiler alert! It's Phi.

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