Thursday, March 31, 2011

I like R&B?

Turns out I do, specifically "House Of Balloons" by The Weeknd. This Drake co-signed mixtape (in case that means anything to you whatsoever) is great laid-back but awake late night music. It has all of my favorite parts lyrically of party/indulgent rap except it's mostly sung really well instead of rapped in monotone (and auto-tune is only ever used to stylistically accent certain parts occasionally). So far my 2 favorite tracks have been "Glass Table Girls" and "The Morning". These are all complete, fully fleshed out songs here and not just beats with some lyrics recorded over them (not that I don't love that too, obviously) which in combination with there being no dj in sight (hearing range?) has this mixtape acting as a real album.
The only track on here that is just too R&B for me and that I usually skip is the last one on the mix, "The Knowing".

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Benjamin Fulford Haarps about Haarp

Benjamin Fulford is sort of like a Jesus type character. Let me explain. See, his story is fantastic. Like Jesus, his story is so amazing, it get's a little unbelievable. However, Benjamin and his life story are again so amazing and he tells it all so well, at a certain point, it actually kind of stops mattering how true it all is. I listened to him tell his whole story, and i believe him. Every word.
Basically, in a three hour interview, Ben talks about living in the amazon (he touches briefly on his time apprenticing with a witch doctor) then he got a degree in Canada, he speaks French, Spanish, English and Japanese. He's been working as a journalist in Japan for nearly 30 years. He writes almost entirely in Japanese now. He wrote for Forbes for 6 years, he writes mostly about finance.
Then things get a little, in his words, "Weird."
Some Japanese government dude basically told him that the Western Illuminati has been stealing from Japan, and has been threatening the entire country with an Earthquake machine. So Ben checked it out, and found out about HAARP (this was like 6 years ago). Then he claims after writing about this, an assassin, threatened his life, and offered that he join the Freemasons and they would make him Finance minister of Japan, or they would kill him. So then, he's about to join, because he thinks he has no choice. THEN, he gets another offer from some giant Asian Secret society made up of Asian high ups and gangsters who offer to protect him, and so now he kind of serves as an ambassador between the two groups. HE also threatened the western Illuminati with death, if they didn't stop using their earthquake machine, via a youtube video. In fact he even sat down and talked to David Rockefeller for an extended interview in Japan, and Ben claims he just did it to show that he could have the guy killed if he wanted. But that's not what Ben wants.
He just wants both secret societies to save the world, stop stifling technology, and stop the wars, and stop trying to limit the population with disease and war and earthquake/wave machines.
Then all the shit went down in Japan.
He says that the western Illuminati knows it's on the way out, and the Asians are taking over, and this is a last ditch effort to try and keep their grasp on the world. Here's a bunch of his videos, his warning, his interview, and him interviewing Rockefeller.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Mabus, Anti Christ Part III

Well, Nostradamus predicted i guess three anti Christs, you'd think one would be enough, but people like numbers, especially 3 and 666. Anyway, one was Napoleon, two was Hitler. Now the new one is a dude named Mabus and he is the head of the navy right now. I'll let this video explain it, real quick.

So O'l Ray Maybus is gonna destroy the world basically. The only problem with Anti Christ predictions is they kind of presuppose the truth of actual Christ story dogma. And as you know astrotheology explains away all that's all in the stars duuuuude. But come on! Who doesn't love Nostradamus? He's all creepy and scary and probably wore like grim reaper robes and shit, and he predicts horrible dream like shit! He's like Alex Jones mixed with Shakespeare or something retarded like that. It would have been awesome back in the day to be a predictor. As far as i can tell, they just dicked around all day, ate, smoked, or huffed some weird drugs (any hallucinogen would do for these jackholes) then they'd get all crazy, and trippy and just start writing whatever the fuck they came up with and it didn't fucking matter half the time because most of the shit they predicted was like supposed to happen long after they were dead. I mean can you imagine if the president was like, "Esteemed dude on the couch, here's all the money you need, now eat this sheet of acid and tell me what's going to happen in 500 years!" Then you'd be all tripping balls, and saying shit like, "Ah the water will wash red with the meteor of fresh multitude and the banshees and man i'm freaking out here man, are we being too loud? Does everyone know I'm like fucked up? Is this going to last forever? Like what are we man? Seriously like what are we doing here dude, do you ever think about that? Maybe we should call an ambulance, but not the police man, please don't tell on me! Are you the CIA?"
Then the president is like, "Shit dude, I ain't CIA, I'm the fucking president, it's all cool, you're just tripping balls, you are in a safe place, the world is love and we are all one, you want i should put on some Fish or something jammy?"
Wouldn't that be sweet?
Anyway, real quick, this guy made an awesome short film about Mabus, where he walks around in the snow and talks like Yoda if Yoda were the antichrist instead of like Starwars Christ. You think it's dumb at first then it get's even more awesome at the end. These guys rule.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

No Planers and Alex Jones

Let's talk about 9/11 and the wars and Alex Jones and No Planers and protest.
1: 9/11 had nothing to do with Afghanistan or Iraq.

Most people agree that's true.

2: We went into war with these countries to lock up oil resources and support the weapons industry.

Lots of Americans believe this.

3: Corporate and some government figures lied about 9/11 to go to war.

Tons of people believe this.

4: Those same corporate interests and government officials, allowed 9/11 to happen.

Not sure how many people, but like some people believe this, let's say millions and millions.

5: Those people actually commissioned the event.

Still in the millions.

6: Those people planned, produced it and Cheney wired the buildings himself, bad heart and all.

Still millions. Alex Jones even predicted it less than a month before.

7: No planes were involved on 9/11.

Thousands. hundreds? Not sure.

8: The No Plane theory was put out by the very people who orchestrated 9/11 so as to throw everyone off the trail.

about 42012 people believe that.

Alex is one of them. He hates the No Planers. He hates that people believe that the news media was overtaken that day, and produced several false images of planes hitting buildings. But he accepts that the government wired the buildings, blew them up, and fired a missile at the pentagon. No planes there. He also does not believe that a plane crashed into a field that day. So two of the planes he believes were lies. So he might be more like a Two Planer. Which still makes him a plane hugger. Which means he hates people who think the other two planes were fake.
The truth is a raging battle. And battle is always confusing.
Here's Alex, Two Planer, sounding really depressed about Howard Stern interviewing, No Planer, Paula Gloria.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Dire Situation!

So, you know how depressing and crazy this whole earthquake and tsunami has been. My heart goes out to the people of Japan who have been affected by this tragedy. Thousands have died, and more are missing.
Not to bum you out further, but it turns out that this disaster, though truly terrible, has not been the worst thing to have happened recently in the world.
On February 22, terrorists burnt down this guys storage garage.
He claims to be the Chairman and CEO of the International Space Agency. So this attack was not just an attack on an average American's storage garage, but really an attack on the entire universe.
"Arsons" broke in and started the fire. I believe by "arsons" he means arsonists. But his slip of the tongue is forgivable because he has plenty on his mind. First and foremost his camera is running low on battery and he is worried about that. Also, I'm sure the CEO of the international space agency is a busy man, with endless duties. He doesn't even have time to edit out the video mistakes or be kind to his wife. Plus he's been working out of a storage garage in the middle of winter, and now his office/storage garage is kind of fucked up. The terrorist "arsons" caused this international philanthropist upwards of 2 to 3 hundred dollars worth of damage.
Then he breaks into his landlord's garage, which is next door, to show how the "arsons" got in (it is unclear as to whether or not the landlord is involved with the terrorist "arsons" plot).
So remember, don't waste your compassion on the poor people of Japan, currently dealing with unimaginable horror. Instead, donate time, money, prayers, anything you can to the CEO and chairman of the international Space Agency. Because his storage garage was damaged. Thank God his cowboy hat and all of the American flags survived the inferno.

Friday, March 11, 2011

DJ Burn One brings us White Jesus and Joints

DJ Burn One was extremely busy in 2010 and both mixed and produced 2 of my favorite albums(mixtape or not) of last year; Yelawolf's Trunk Muzik and Starlito - Renaissance Gangster.
DJ Burn One pretty much only works with the best out there, whether you've heard them yet or not. His first 2 mixtapes of 2011 are no exception, the first being a mixtape/compilation that DJ Burn One has put together and acts as a Burn One solo album. If you like the current state of Alabama rap and the ways in which it crosses over with Atlanta you should have downloaded this already. Guests include Freddie Gibbs, Pill, Young Buck, Starlito, Rittz, KD, Jackie Chain, etc.

Download Mixtape Free | Mixtape Player
Download here.
Or download torrent here.

The second mixtape (I think it came out 4 days later) is Rittz - White Jesus. Rittz was on Yelawolf's breakout mixtape Trunk Muzik last year, and Yelwolf more than returns the favor here as he guests a couple of times as well as executive produced the mixtape and directed the first music video from it. Rittz goes really hard constantly and has a rapid-style flow that's always to the benefit of the overall song and doesn't sound like he's just trying to prove that he can rap so fast. He's got a rural Georgia and rural 'Bama style flow but he's probably influenced by some Bone, Three 6 Mafia and maybe some Biggie. Rittz' flow is riculously well formed already and I imagine he will blow up in some small extent within 2 months following South by SouthWest, much as Yelawolf did last year. Both DJ Burn One and Rittz seem to have well-matched and wide-spread music influences(and I know Yelawolf does, who obviously played a big part in White Jesus). Along with Yelawolf, guests on White Jesus include 8ball, Big Krit and Shawty Fatt.

Download Mixtape Free | Mixtape Player
Or download it here.
Or get the torrent here.

And do I even need to say anything about the title?!
I guess I do.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

1.618 vs 666 vs Pi vs infinity vs 9/11:11-42012

So sure 666 rocks, I agree. As far as numbers go that one's sweet because of the devil and all the creepy badass punk rock goth shit. But are we too old for a 666 tattoo? Of course not, it's a great number and still an ultimately sweet number to get painted on forever.
And 1.618 is one of those numbers where you add one plus one, and two plus two and three plus three and then like you divide something from something and...? I'm pretty high and can't remember if that's right, anyway people find this ratio everywhere and they say that like this shit proves that the universe was designed. The annunaki put it in place as like a blow job at the end of math. They are willing to give us the truth, but like you gotta get through some basic math classes first dummy.
Pi is sweet. To me it proves that math can be broken down into pure chaos and at the same time have a sort of sense to it. You should probably make your kid memorize the digits of Pi. Don't tell him or her that it goes on probably forever (according to Aristotle, but he wasn't big on infinity) and let them figure it out for themselves maybe about 50 digits in.
Then you got infinity. Show me a bright dude that's put a good amount of time into that study and i will show you a dude who is about to hang himself or die alone in an insane asylum. I don't know what happened to Zeno after he came up with all his paradoxes. But most philosophers dedicated themselves to shooting down his stuff, that must have been a pain in the ass.
Then you got 9/11:11-42012. Not many people have heard of this number, even some of our most prominent mathematicians. And yet when multiplied by truth, and divided by the plural myth (the myth of plurality of course), you find that it teaches you to laugh at things, and accept that life's a dream and numbers are a sketch of that dream. They are beautiful abstractions describing the same universe that created them.
That's why you should get 9/11:11-42012 tattooed on your face and then watch this video and listen to this guy go over cool numbers, and then give you his opinion on what the coolest number is, spoiler alert! It's Phi.