Sunday, May 15, 2011

Reptilian Stutter

Man have i got something for you losers!
There's controversy in the world of truth!
Apparently all these news anchors ( and maybe even Judge Judy though i can't seem to find the clip) have been been going slightly crazy on air. I mean, you'll see when you watch, but it's fucking crazy, they don't just mess up a line or mispronounce a foreign leader's name, or like accidentally say "big dick" instead of "vag" or whatever...these people seem to momentarily forget how to talk. I mean, suddenly they sound like they just put down a twelve pack of Tecate and then main lined some Tequila spiked with purple Sizsyrup. Then, they're fine again. And all of this shit happened recently, each incident only a month apart.
So you got two camps of explanation truth.
First off, they're reptilians. You know how reptile lords often get betrayed by the camera, in a momentary glitch. Well, the idea i guess is that reptilians, like have to put up some sort of mental like hologram like wall up or something maybe that makes their speech and appearance appear human, i think, maybe. So then, these instances of unexplained, gibberish-speaking in tongue-breakdown shit, is just that Reptilians breaking down on air, or maybe their hologram technology breaking down, or whatever, use your imagination.
CAMP of truth 2!
The news casters (and reportedly judge judy) have been blasted by the government with some sort of microwave device that has the ability to basically fuck up certain parts of the brains, making it impossible to move or read or speak. The NWO is doing this not to like censor the newscasters, but really just to like test out the micro blaster and see if the thing like works.
Which is the theory this first video goes with. They have a pretty cool example of how one of these devices would work too.

And if you are still curious, you know you are, this one takes like forever basically to do the thing where you slow down the video and point out places in their faces so you can see how these talking heads are reptilians.

And lastly, for Rem, for inadvertently learning me to this stuff.
Here's Slim Shady slithering and sliding and reptile winking...i think that's what he's doing.


  1. I don't need any fancy machines, my brain fucks up just fine on its own.

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