Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden

Welp, they say the CIA killed Osama Bin Laden. At least that's what the ladies on The View were saying this morning at the coffee shop. Which is a little strange, right?
I worry now that they have been saving this bullshit victory for 10 years. Which of course presupposes that this whole thing is bullshit.
And it is.
Al Qaeda was originally the name of the computer database of foreign recruits, trained by the CIA to fight the USSR out of Afghanistan in the 80s. First it was the name the CIA used for their Database (it literally means "the base"), then it stuck. Now everytime someone get's pissed off about their daughter and wife getting blown up by a helicopter, and that guy goes off to do some Suicide bombing, boom, they are added to this pretend organization's ranks.
So what's next? Did they kill him for real? If so, what took so long? If it's fake, why fake it now? Could this be some sort of sick phony moral boost?
Watch out for another false flag terrorist attack.
And watch out for American War number 5.
OR maybe not, maybe this is a good thing. Perhaps, i'm the one full of shit. We got him!!! Got the bad guy. Guess we can end all this war now.
Here's the BBC talking about how Al Qaeda doesn't exist.

Whatever the fuck happened yesterday, I think we should remember some truth...Bin Laden did NOT blow up the projects.

1 comment:

  1. From what I gather, Al Qaeda are the contacts the CIA made in the Afghan war. so going foreword those attached to these contacts+the contacts themselves were looked on as a special threat as they knew US military tactics. Unlike say the rebels in Libya, who before their CIA training were loosing ground every day, and accidentally blowing themselves up. I don't know how to use a bazooka. maybe it's like the 5th element and I shouldn't push the red button. Al Qaeda is also linked to the Mujaheddin movement- But in general these terms really aren't as concrete, in the sense that we westerners would like. I suppose if you live in the middle of a wasteland your word is your bond.
