Sunday, May 8, 2011

Gotta get those Reptilians!

Look people, wake up, or go to sleep! Do whatever it takes to remember that...forget it.
I can't do it anymore.
I just don't give a shit about the reptilians anymore.
It's so fucking hard. I gotta work my shitty job, and it sucks even more knowing that my tax dollars and shit are going to the God Damned reptilians!
I'm mean hear I am, in the bunker, it's fucking friday night, no fuck it's saturday i think, even worse, I'm tired, a normal level of drunk, and i just can't do it man, the reptilians have got this one. They're just good. They been doing it since like they made us right? I mean i can even barely function with the regular folk that are supposed to rise up and take back this world, i mean the lady today who first said, "you raising your voice to me young man!" and then said, "Well fuck you," i mean those two lines are really contradicting ways to address someone, but i mean these are the people that are supposed to like rise up and take back the world, right? Fuck it then. Yes, they are systematically fucking us, but it's good on top right? I mean when you get to the top of society, you start getting the good fucking, the fun kind, that you're not supposed to do in high school.
Look, I just can't fucking do it. It's really hard fighting the reptilians out of my kitchen (in the bunker). Just give me some fucking help. Please click the brightest part of the best letter in this text and donate to my cause of getting me a mansion and a bad ass video camera and recording studio with all the knobs and shit i don't know how to use. I want a fucking swimming pool too. I also want a computer in my brain that allows me to understand all math and shit and know everything on the internet at once without even like trying.
Maybe then i could fucking fuck up the reptiles, but now man, i mean taxes are done for awhile but jesus, if it's not one thing it's a fucing nother thing, had to buy a goddamned suit for my sister's wedding, it's like, I'm not getting married, I think it's a buncha reptilian retard bullshit, what the fuck do i need a fucking suit for? But there I am at the mother fucking Koles or koals or whatever trying on some piece a shit thing a poor person get's buried in and i don't know man. Look man, get your news and inspiration shit from these guys from now on. I quit. fuck it. Its too hard.

don't forget to donate to my shit.

1 comment:

  1. I make minimum wage (yeah, comic shop!) and yet I'm looking at a two-hundred-fucking-dollar custom-made dress for my cousin's wedding. What the fuck, who's idea was this shit anyway?

    The reptilians? Oh. Fuck.

    Oh, and make TND shirts and I'd buy the fuck out of them.
