Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Convenient Truth?

Every once and awhile I hear Alex Jones talking about how the globalists (the illuminant, the New World Order (the NWO)) are just faking this Global Warming thing, so as to get the carbon tax going and limit China's economic growth (which is a total God fearing-gay fearing-libertarian-Ron Paul type of conspiracy talk that's all over the the net (mostly youtube). But Alex Jones himself isn't a great place to start with these sorts of things (because the guy is so fucking deep in the shit, and sooooo into God), so i started watching documentaries, some homemade, some professional.
It didn't take me long to come to the conclusion that science is baffling. Fucked up. Truly.
I mean, look, I like An Inconvenient Truth. It's a little boring, and the narrator guy is pretty annoying, but what can i say, I'm a sucker for doomsday scenarios, I like to be scared, and it has Truth in the title. I mean, basically, as long as i can remember people have been telling me that we are fucking up the planet and Water World is on the way. After i saw Gore's movie, way back whenever the fuck it came out, i was totally sold. First the coasts go under. Then, Water World. Awesome.
Since then I've dismissed all skepticism of man made global warming as Oil company propaganda, i mean they war over this bullshit, they at least put out some contradictory science, right?
Which brings me back to science.
Science is really hard and there are a ridiculous amounts of disciplines involved, within each and every one of the multitude of general science disciplines (you gotta know math to do physics, you gotta know physics to do quantum mechanics and on and on) so it takes a life time to understand much of anything. I mean i don't get how anything electrical works, I've never seen an electron and I forget how to do basic division on paper, blah blah blah, science, math, these things are fucking hard!
And i can't do it anymore.
Which means I'm victim to whatever someone, who claims to be a scientist, says.
You never know when a scientist is biased, because there's tons of money in science, and even objective truth seeking scientists need money just like everybody else, usually they need more money than everyone else so as to properly do their research.
And further more, beyond the fact that I'm dumb, even the smartest scientists in the world don't truly understand the nature of reality. The very building blocks of energy are still a complete mystery. Some geniuses suggest that electrons are simply able to exist at multiple places at the same time, some geniuses have well respected theories that suggest that there are multiple dimensions, some go with wave theory, some say string theory, gravity is still basically a mystery as far as how it interacts with magnetism or some shit, the point is that I'm way over my head constantly and i probably sound like an idiot even just trying to glaze over this shit. So, since i don't understand math and haven't worked on the problem for twenty years, and i barely passed freshman geology...which genius do i choose to believe? Suddenly I'm stuck choosing between world outlooks on the basis of which scientist has the better build. Which one would i want to sit down and have a beer with?
Alright. That being said, early this morning i watched this 5 part video that basically suggests that global warming isn't going to happen. So now, based on science and a video i watched at 6 this morning, i don't believe in global warming. But at 5:30 AM, right before watching the half an hour program on youtube, I had the opposite opinion that was also(at least i thought) based on scientific Al Gore information. And who knows, in another couple of hours, I might fall into the ocean, or freeze to death, or melt, or kill a polar bear and then maybe I'll switch it up again and go back to hoping for some motha fucking Water World!
Which truth you going with? Convenient or Inconvenient?

Well, whichever truth you choose, at least we can all universally agree that Water World is awesome.

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