Monday, May 23, 2011

The most important video you will ever see

The rapture didn't happen. That doesn't have anything to do with this. At least i don't think it does. Some one tell me what the hell this man is trying to say. I know there is some like truth involved here, i mean he talks like crotchety old man and does math. He has this strange love hate relationship with exponential numbers and situations. Watching him is like when the smart kid is trying to help you with your math homework, and you don't understand a single thing the kid is doing, like she's leaning over you and making marks on your scrap paper (where you have to show your work) and she's circling numbers going, "you see? you see?" and you keep nodding yes and pretending to understand, "Ohhhhh right, duh, that makes perfect sense!" then they're all, "Ok try it yourself now," and you go, "Ok sure, let's what are we doing again?"
He seems so agitated and i think the audience is terrified to ask any clarifying questions which i think would have been helpful, if just one of the awkward looking bored people stood up and said, "Hang on. I understand exponential growth. Got that part. So then? What?"
Anyway, he does have a killer title.

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