Monday, May 23, 2011

The most important video you will ever see

The rapture didn't happen. That doesn't have anything to do with this. At least i don't think it does. Some one tell me what the hell this man is trying to say. I know there is some like truth involved here, i mean he talks like crotchety old man and does math. He has this strange love hate relationship with exponential numbers and situations. Watching him is like when the smart kid is trying to help you with your math homework, and you don't understand a single thing the kid is doing, like she's leaning over you and making marks on your scrap paper (where you have to show your work) and she's circling numbers going, "you see? you see?" and you keep nodding yes and pretending to understand, "Ohhhhh right, duh, that makes perfect sense!" then they're all, "Ok try it yourself now," and you go, "Ok sure, let's what are we doing again?"
He seems so agitated and i think the audience is terrified to ask any clarifying questions which i think would have been helpful, if just one of the awkward looking bored people stood up and said, "Hang on. I understand exponential growth. Got that part. So then? What?"
Anyway, he does have a killer title.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Reptilian Stutter

Man have i got something for you losers!
There's controversy in the world of truth!
Apparently all these news anchors ( and maybe even Judge Judy though i can't seem to find the clip) have been been going slightly crazy on air. I mean, you'll see when you watch, but it's fucking crazy, they don't just mess up a line or mispronounce a foreign leader's name, or like accidentally say "big dick" instead of "vag" or whatever...these people seem to momentarily forget how to talk. I mean, suddenly they sound like they just put down a twelve pack of Tecate and then main lined some Tequila spiked with purple Sizsyrup. Then, they're fine again. And all of this shit happened recently, each incident only a month apart.
So you got two camps of explanation truth.
First off, they're reptilians. You know how reptile lords often get betrayed by the camera, in a momentary glitch. Well, the idea i guess is that reptilians, like have to put up some sort of mental like hologram like wall up or something maybe that makes their speech and appearance appear human, i think, maybe. So then, these instances of unexplained, gibberish-speaking in tongue-breakdown shit, is just that Reptilians breaking down on air, or maybe their hologram technology breaking down, or whatever, use your imagination.
CAMP of truth 2!
The news casters (and reportedly judge judy) have been blasted by the government with some sort of microwave device that has the ability to basically fuck up certain parts of the brains, making it impossible to move or read or speak. The NWO is doing this not to like censor the newscasters, but really just to like test out the micro blaster and see if the thing like works.
Which is the theory this first video goes with. They have a pretty cool example of how one of these devices would work too.

And if you are still curious, you know you are, this one takes like forever basically to do the thing where you slow down the video and point out places in their faces so you can see how these talking heads are reptilians.

And lastly, for Rem, for inadvertently learning me to this stuff.
Here's Slim Shady slithering and sliding and reptile winking...i think that's what he's doing.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Convenient Truth?

Every once and awhile I hear Alex Jones talking about how the globalists (the illuminant, the New World Order (the NWO)) are just faking this Global Warming thing, so as to get the carbon tax going and limit China's economic growth (which is a total God fearing-gay fearing-libertarian-Ron Paul type of conspiracy talk that's all over the the net (mostly youtube). But Alex Jones himself isn't a great place to start with these sorts of things (because the guy is so fucking deep in the shit, and sooooo into God), so i started watching documentaries, some homemade, some professional.
It didn't take me long to come to the conclusion that science is baffling. Fucked up. Truly.
I mean, look, I like An Inconvenient Truth. It's a little boring, and the narrator guy is pretty annoying, but what can i say, I'm a sucker for doomsday scenarios, I like to be scared, and it has Truth in the title. I mean, basically, as long as i can remember people have been telling me that we are fucking up the planet and Water World is on the way. After i saw Gore's movie, way back whenever the fuck it came out, i was totally sold. First the coasts go under. Then, Water World. Awesome.
Since then I've dismissed all skepticism of man made global warming as Oil company propaganda, i mean they war over this bullshit, they at least put out some contradictory science, right?
Which brings me back to science.
Science is really hard and there are a ridiculous amounts of disciplines involved, within each and every one of the multitude of general science disciplines (you gotta know math to do physics, you gotta know physics to do quantum mechanics and on and on) so it takes a life time to understand much of anything. I mean i don't get how anything electrical works, I've never seen an electron and I forget how to do basic division on paper, blah blah blah, science, math, these things are fucking hard!
And i can't do it anymore.
Which means I'm victim to whatever someone, who claims to be a scientist, says.
You never know when a scientist is biased, because there's tons of money in science, and even objective truth seeking scientists need money just like everybody else, usually they need more money than everyone else so as to properly do their research.
And further more, beyond the fact that I'm dumb, even the smartest scientists in the world don't truly understand the nature of reality. The very building blocks of energy are still a complete mystery. Some geniuses suggest that electrons are simply able to exist at multiple places at the same time, some geniuses have well respected theories that suggest that there are multiple dimensions, some go with wave theory, some say string theory, gravity is still basically a mystery as far as how it interacts with magnetism or some shit, the point is that I'm way over my head constantly and i probably sound like an idiot even just trying to glaze over this shit. So, since i don't understand math and haven't worked on the problem for twenty years, and i barely passed freshman geology...which genius do i choose to believe? Suddenly I'm stuck choosing between world outlooks on the basis of which scientist has the better build. Which one would i want to sit down and have a beer with?
Alright. That being said, early this morning i watched this 5 part video that basically suggests that global warming isn't going to happen. So now, based on science and a video i watched at 6 this morning, i don't believe in global warming. But at 5:30 AM, right before watching the half an hour program on youtube, I had the opposite opinion that was also(at least i thought) based on scientific Al Gore information. And who knows, in another couple of hours, I might fall into the ocean, or freeze to death, or melt, or kill a polar bear and then maybe I'll switch it up again and go back to hoping for some motha fucking Water World!
Which truth you going with? Convenient or Inconvenient?

Well, whichever truth you choose, at least we can all universally agree that Water World is awesome.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Gotta get those Reptilians!

Look people, wake up, or go to sleep! Do whatever it takes to remember that...forget it.
I can't do it anymore.
I just don't give a shit about the reptilians anymore.
It's so fucking hard. I gotta work my shitty job, and it sucks even more knowing that my tax dollars and shit are going to the God Damned reptilians!
I'm mean hear I am, in the bunker, it's fucking friday night, no fuck it's saturday i think, even worse, I'm tired, a normal level of drunk, and i just can't do it man, the reptilians have got this one. They're just good. They been doing it since like they made us right? I mean i can even barely function with the regular folk that are supposed to rise up and take back this world, i mean the lady today who first said, "you raising your voice to me young man!" and then said, "Well fuck you," i mean those two lines are really contradicting ways to address someone, but i mean these are the people that are supposed to like rise up and take back the world, right? Fuck it then. Yes, they are systematically fucking us, but it's good on top right? I mean when you get to the top of society, you start getting the good fucking, the fun kind, that you're not supposed to do in high school.
Look, I just can't fucking do it. It's really hard fighting the reptilians out of my kitchen (in the bunker). Just give me some fucking help. Please click the brightest part of the best letter in this text and donate to my cause of getting me a mansion and a bad ass video camera and recording studio with all the knobs and shit i don't know how to use. I want a fucking swimming pool too. I also want a computer in my brain that allows me to understand all math and shit and know everything on the internet at once without even like trying.
Maybe then i could fucking fuck up the reptiles, but now man, i mean taxes are done for awhile but jesus, if it's not one thing it's a fucing nother thing, had to buy a goddamned suit for my sister's wedding, it's like, I'm not getting married, I think it's a buncha reptilian retard bullshit, what the fuck do i need a fucking suit for? But there I am at the mother fucking Koles or koals or whatever trying on some piece a shit thing a poor person get's buried in and i don't know man. Look man, get your news and inspiration shit from these guys from now on. I quit. fuck it. Its too hard.

don't forget to donate to my shit.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

In-depth Explanations of A Wide Range of Marijuana Truth

Medical Marijuana Primer with Michael Backes from DANGEROUS MINDS on Vimeo.

Nitty Scott - The Cassette Chronicles

If you miss anything about 90s hip hop at all, you should already be downloading this. I downloaded this based on it being a Mick Boogie mixtape alone, and I have since downloaded any mixtape he's put out. Nitty Scott kills it on this mixtape which is supposedly a pre-cursor to her E.P. that's coming out this summer.
My favorite tracks on The Cassette Chronicles are To Tomorrow, Luv My Life, and FAF.

Or download the torrent here.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden

Welp, they say the CIA killed Osama Bin Laden. At least that's what the ladies on The View were saying this morning at the coffee shop. Which is a little strange, right?
I worry now that they have been saving this bullshit victory for 10 years. Which of course presupposes that this whole thing is bullshit.
And it is.
Al Qaeda was originally the name of the computer database of foreign recruits, trained by the CIA to fight the USSR out of Afghanistan in the 80s. First it was the name the CIA used for their Database (it literally means "the base"), then it stuck. Now everytime someone get's pissed off about their daughter and wife getting blown up by a helicopter, and that guy goes off to do some Suicide bombing, boom, they are added to this pretend organization's ranks.
So what's next? Did they kill him for real? If so, what took so long? If it's fake, why fake it now? Could this be some sort of sick phony moral boost?
Watch out for another false flag terrorist attack.
And watch out for American War number 5.
OR maybe not, maybe this is a good thing. Perhaps, i'm the one full of shit. We got him!!! Got the bad guy. Guess we can end all this war now.
Here's the BBC talking about how Al Qaeda doesn't exist.

Whatever the fuck happened yesterday, I think we should remember some truth...Bin Laden did NOT blow up the projects.

Boozwa - Pyramids Gone

Music video I put together for Austin artist Boozwa using the movie Master Of The Flying Guillotine.

Listen to more Boozwa here: