Wednesday, September 8, 2010

This be thy truth

Ladies and gentleman, it has come to my attention that this blog is being censored and therefore unnoticed by the public and you very well might not be even receiving or reading this information and this terrifies me.
But on i go.
I am on the run.
My bunker was bugged and my safety compromised. With my sexuality exposed, and balls hanging out to dry i had to jump on board a van full of cult, former Illuminati, revolutionary numerologist-VHS monsters.
Together we ride and dodge reptiles.
I lurk in the shadows behind them dawning the mask of their followers. I ride with them from town to town and watch them melt and fuck brains. They allow me to see the inner workings of their society as honesty is the goal, and they aim to sell it across the land, and though dark, hurried and terrified, my mind has been expanded. I keep my feet planted in truth and could not even dream of keeping up the speed and intensity they prescribe to their waiting followers who all seem to be radically enlightened and fun loving. And i don't envy the tireless work of sucking all the darkness and terrible and spitting it back out as a rainbow of purity friction, the way they do. They are true honesty soldiers, and I'm happy to be apart of their trip. I have no time or energy to do my normal research for the time being as I must run, run, run. Their ghost assassins, and lizard spies will not hold us down.

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