Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Golden State Warriors are a completely different team this season

While we wait to see where Carmelo Anthony will end up, I wanted to make note of my favorite Western Conference baskteball team's complete revamping this off-season. Everyone has been talking about the Heat, the Cavs, the Lakers, the Celtics, the Nuggets, the Bulls (aka teams that made/are making moves that actually have a chance at getting to the finals....other than the Cavs), but the team that changed in every aspect the most this off-season was the Warriors. Now that Don Nelson is gone, centers and power forwards will actually be allowed to play for more than 20 minutes per game. Unfortunately though, they accidentally let Anthony Morrow walk away for nothing to make more room for David Lee's contract and traded Kelenna Azubuike, Anthony Randolph and Ronny Turiaf to the Knicks for David Lee and his gigantic contract. He's a very good player, but all 4 of those guys were pretty good players, and now that Nelson is gone who knows how good Anthony Randolph could've been in the Warriors system. And Corey Maggette and CJ Watson are gone too. I think that CJ Watson will continue to improve and that he would have been the main guard off the bench this upcoming season for both point guard and shooting guard if the Warriors hadn't let him go. Watson will get to win more in Chicago, but will play less than if he had stayed in Oakland.

More Carmelo Anthony:


Melo Drama

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