Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Guy in the Harley Shirt

I'm still on the run. It feels wrong to be hiding, especially on this day, the beginning of the truth, 9-11. I must post something, but i don't have much time. SO I will post this dude. He laid out the lie minutes after the towers collapsed on fox news. When you listen to him speak, you realize right off the bat that this dude is a plant, an actor, spitting the official, preplanned story. His delivery is obviously rehearsed, and too technical and filled with strange jargon (jargon that would be repeated over and over again). Thanks to the internet, he has been officially discovered to be a professional actor. His name is Mark Humphrey, he is a B actor, and he was planted to mislead us all.
9 years ago. 9/11. The Oscar goes to mark humphrey. The man in the Harley shirt.

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