Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fema Whistle Blower not yet Dead


There was a death in the family. It happened during a play about a play, and somewhere behind the third very very meta, red with blood curtain, came the sound of explosions. "Balloons perhaps?" whispered the top hat wearing guy with a giggle, to the old dying man with the monocle.

A clear blue day, and the people were innocent below, there in Manhattan, making deals and helping the little guy. Nothing but good old new york innocence was at work. Beaming, little angles of 100% pure Jesus love.

There the van's sat, packed with explosives, murals of planes soaring into flaming buildings. The cops didn't know what to make of them. How do you make a crude joke about a tragedy before the tragic shit even hits the tragic fan? How could they have known they should have been offended.

God laughed. I heard him. He's an asshole and he didn't help, he just winked and nudged the war machines a couple inches closer. "Go for it, losers."

"Did you see the size of Fred's flag?"
"You got a pretty big one there, Ted."
"We did, yes, but ours is classy and it hangs right."
"Well, they both seem big. We just put out the same old one as last year and the one before."
"Well, it's not so much that it's too big, or too small. The thing about it is that Ted's flag is exactly 9 1/2 by 5. I saw the damn box it came in."
"Well, for heavens sake, don't you know that's regulation for a casket flag?"
"No kidding?"
"Yes sir. That man's got a damn casket flag flying over that rusty front porch for heavens sake, and just look at that damn lawn."
"Is getting pretty long."
"Got a damn coffin flag blowing in a wild field, hows that for my neighbor cross the road?"

"What's a couple trillion dollars? You want the pentagon to tell you what they do with that? They don't know what they do with that! The people who spend it don't know what they are doing with that! They aren't allowed to know. That's the beauty of it. No one knows. You surrender your brain, sacrifice autonomy, and do who knows what? I don't know. Yes it went missing right before 9/11 yes most of the evidence was destroyed in the attack. What are you saying? Now that's just mean."

Dream Theater knew. Explosions in the Sky knew. Look at their album covers man. Check out the dollar bill trick, you fold it just right, the Illuminati fake cries, you know real sarcastic, really hamming it up, and then laughs on repeat like a gif forever.

Where were you the day that innocence died? Everything was bad that day, except for the whole death of innocence thing. I feel better now that no one is innocent, it's actually kind of a relief. Everyone's guilty now. No need to pretend.

Fellow Americans, remember the day you swore to pretend forever that we were attacked by terrorists? You put your hand on the Bible and swore not to tell. Never forget the USA pact of 2001. You were there, you promised to keep your mouth shut. You accepted the 14 dollars per person deal. Now keep it up. Just a little longer now, and then we can let it all out. I know it feels like holding your breath, but we're so close!

You go insider trading showed prier knowledge, then building seven and controlled demolition is pretty obvious, no planes, the media was in on it, fake stories, illegal wars, aliens most likely, billions of dollars in profits, the new world order, pyramids, mind control, MK ultra, the CIA, then you start just writing initials, try it, you'll probably hit some sort of horrible institution : SIT JSh BDJ AHE CFR NSA HEJ NABDHCF AINF ISJA you get it and you're in too deep. And the real shitty thing. Is that once you figure out. Once you realize who did, and whose in control, and what's going on, and it's just silly and obvious and you put all that work in for nothing, after all that. You have to go to work.

Remember the Fallen Witnesses

Gotta give it up to the firemen who died. And the ones that are still dying from having breathed in the dust that spread after the buildings were demolished with thermite explosives. Let's also tip the forty to our fallen (murdered) whistle blower witnesses. All the people who were going to say, "So and so knew," or "there were explosives in the buildings." And other shit too.

Remembering Inside Jobs

Well, I took a 6 hours nap. Still no state sponsored false flag terrorism around here. I don't have TV of course, so I will keep a look out the window. I know that lots of major networks and cable news are probably doing lots of remembrance type stuff. So we will do some inside job remembering. Let's start off, July 2001 just weeks before 9/11. Remember when Alex Jones predicted a false flag state sponsored terror attack? And then it happened! Let's roll the clip. While I look down the street and in my coffee mug for inside jobs.

9/11/11 4:20.12

I woke up this morning at 9/11/11 4:20 am at 12 seconds. Again that's 9/11/11 4:20 12 (seconds).
I just walked the streets and drove around down town. The streets are quiet. No State sponsored terror just yet. At least not around here.
I will be keeping a look out all day for inside jobs.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Just in case it does happen soon

Not that we can necessarily be sure when it will occur. But it could be really soon.

Or maybe the rapture has already occurred and you are reading this looking for answers. Answers to questions like "where did all those people go??"