Friday, January 14, 2011

Zeitgeist, Moving Forward

Tomorrow is the day. New world Zeitgeist.
The utopia awaits.
Well, alright, maybe not the utopia. I dare say i won't be out of a job tomorrow. The world won't open up and swallow all evil, that's a different day.
But tomorrow, Sat. the 15th of jan the third installment of the Zeitgeist trilogy comes out.
About the trilogy:
Peter Joseph (first and middle name) put out the first Zeitgeist movie on the internet sort of by accident. Basically, he is a musician who wrote a performance piece and then edited together a bunch of video he liked from the internet, then he performed his score live, with the video playing behind him in Brooklyn. He did a couple of free performances and then with nothing else to really do with the project, he took the video and score and put it up on the internet.
And millions of people watched it!
None of that video was his, he just narrates and does the music and editing.
So then he bought the rights to everything and kept it all free on the internet. The video has three sections, one handles comparative religion and shows how many religions follow the same myth pattern, two handles 9/11 and it being an inside job, and three tells us that the Federal Reserve is a global scam to keep us in debt and bankrupts entire countries and rapes us in our wallets.
Now, people loved this movie and they wanted more from Peter Joseph, they wanted to know if there was any hope for the world.
Peter Joseph decided there was. So then he started making a follow up movie which is called Zeitgeist Addendum.
This one goes further into economics and how it's all bullshit. He made a bunch of money in the market, and decided that the world didn't really need Wallstreet. Then he got into this social engineer dude named Jacque Fresco.
Fresco thinks that the major problem with the world is that we all operate with the belief that resources and energy are scarce. We do this because back when our ancient systems of government and economic philosophies were conceived, the world lacked the technology necessary to adequately provide for everyone. This is why everyone got all competitive, and nationalistic. People needed to work hard and compete to live.
But now we simply don't. Right now there are enough resources for everyone to live like the first world. But we think we need to compete and work hard, which generally translates to fucking over the little guy, (think Walmart, think communist slave work forces, think capitalistic minimum wage or third world slave labor, think of school debt, think drug dealing, think endless energy wars). He thinks that this is bad.
Then he noticed that robots were taking all of the jobs. I mean service jobs are really the only thing left. That's why everyone you know, waits tables, or works a register, or sweeps a floor, or scoops something, or punches numbers into a program, or answers a phone, or tells someone how to use their iphone, or is an assistant to someone rich. Pretty much all this shit could be done by machines more efficiently and soon will be done by machines.
He thinks this is a good thing.
Cause it frees us from working shitty jobs.
It's far more complicated than that. But this is my pitch for Zeitgeist Addendum, it's an explanation of a world wide social system where no one has to work a shitty job they don't want to.
There you have it. Watch Zeitgeist and Addendum, and then when it comes out tomorrow, watch Zeitgeist 3 Moving Forward. This one will surely explain how we free the world from it's current bullshit status and move forward towards a resource based economy with free energy and sweet robots and awesomeness for all!!!
I'm gonna go tomorrow night and see it in a theater with my Zeitgeist T-shirt on. You can look and see if its playing near you. Or you could watch it for free on the internet.
Here, last time I'll post this trailer for the brand new Zeitgeist movie!

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