Sunday, January 16, 2011

Night of the Utopia

Last I night went to see Zeitgeist.
Last afternoon I had a couple of beers, which led to a few more.
One of my truth contemporaries and I smoked narcotics on the way, and we accidentally walked to the wrong block.
Then I remembered where it was and we were back on the hunt for some mind blowing.
When we arrived a girl was walking out saying that she didn't want to stand for three hours.
I had my Zeitgeist Tshirt on and so the lady selling tickets could most likely tell, that she would not be rid of me so easily. I sat on a stairway and drank beer and the three hour movie began.
It was very long.
I loved it.
It was quite academic and got pretty hippie at times.
After the flick ended, there was a discussion. Most cleared out, but about thirty sat around.
Mostly white people, mostly dudes.
One old lady noticed that there weren't many female talking heads in the film. She was correct and seemed proud of herself. One quite large and serious middle aged man was worried that in a computer controlled system, the elites would build super humans and rule us all. Some laughed. I wanted to know more. But he was interrupted by a poor dresser. This man talked like a grad student, and attacked the film for having, he felt, attacked the philosophy of John Locke. I remembered that the movie did mention some of John Locke's descriptions of how capitalism should be run, but I myself was confused as to why the character from Lost was considered such an expert to begin with.
A dread locked man started talking and talking about something very technical, some inventor he knew, and though i couldn't pay attention, i found the discussion leaders sort of rude for interrupting the hippie and asking if he had a question. He just wanted to unload his truth. Fuck your questions.
Several people started walking out.
The grad student-poor dresser thought that applying the scientific method to social problems was a sure fire way to limit our freedom.
I finally stood up and raised my voice, well i didn't stand, but i did raise my hand.
I said that actually the lack of freedom he fears, is currently the case in this empire.
He seemed annoyed, so I continued, trying to win him over.
I told him and the room that we were all slaves and had to work shitty service jobs and be in debt and it's fucked up and bullshit, and i personally don't like working a shitty job.
I didn't get the standing ovation i expected and a couple more people shuffled out.
The discussion ended and i told the middle aged fellow who was scared of the super cyborgs ruling us, that i too shared the same fears. He didn't trust me i could tell, but i shook his hand anyway.
I went home feeling unsatisfied, having not won over the discussion group.
I reminded myself that the movie had been great, and this was all after all not about me.
Still, while climbing back down into my bunker, i just couldn't shake the horrible feeling that i had failed in expressing my truth to the group. I hadn't even told anyone about the blog. I hung up my Zeitgeist T-shirt and i almost vowed to not ever again bother with the public debate forum.
Then i pulled on my camouflage Snuggie and i sat down at the computer.
I poured some booze and started typing.
The screen and the truth lit my face in the dark.
Next time I'll bring a fucking bullhorn.

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