Thursday, January 6, 2011

CNN Hates the Truth

Look, one thing the massive mass media is not good at, is reporting on anything at all interesting or important. Let alone truthful.
Remember those wars that we are currently in? Remember how the mass news media was all gung ho about sending our teens over there to kill everybody? Remember all the massive mass mass media fear mongering? Remember how they made fun of the protesters? Remember how they called the internet dissenters crazy conspiracy theorists?
Remember how wrong and dumb and rich and part of the machine the massive mass mass media is?
Well one thing they are good at, is making light of truth.
You've all heard of the dead birds in Arkansas on News Years Eve. Thousands of birds mysteriously fell from the sky all at once.
The mass massive media says this strange mystery happened because of stress. Yup, fireworks scared thousands of birds to death all at the same time. You know, you've heard it a million times. First thing i do after fireworks every year on the fourth of july is walk around town and collect the thousands of dead birds! Remember how we always do that after fireworks since that happens so much?
So clearly, those birds were like poisoned or something, probably by accident by some fucking company or government agency or whatever, and now it's being covered up.
But forget that. Don't talk about it. Don't even think about it. Cause CNN doesn't want you to.
Now CNN has taken a stance against theorizing. That's right, if you want to discuss, or theorize or try to figure out a mystery, it's very likely that CNN will try to humiliate you on national television.
A friend sent me this CNN report about the bird deaths, where they offer very few answers, but instead take the time to make fun of a dozen or so vloggers, who posted about what they think could have happened to the birds.
I mean, look, I'm aware that vloggers look dumb. We all look dumb. The fucking CNN reporter in this video, to me, is the stupidest looking nut of the bunch. But this is our fucking world CNN. We like that we have the internet to talk about whatever we want to no matter how naive or dumb, or controversial, or dangerous, or scary, or funny, or truthful you think it is.
It's bad enough that CNN won't report on anything at all controversial. But do they really have to go to the trouble to try and rape independent public discussion? (please pretend i am yelling this next part through a bullhorn, Alex Jones style) IT'S A FUCKING MYSTERY!!! THIS IS HOW YOU SOLVE MYSTERIES! YOU THEORIZE AND THEN TEST YOUR FUCKING THEORIES!! ITS THE FUCKING SCIENTIFIC METHOD! HYPOTHESIZE! Never once in the scientific method does it tell you to, just listen to what the other guy said even if his one explanation doesn't make sense to you. That is not a step.
CNN sucks.
This reporter is a fucking piece of shit.
Oh also, if you would like to read about what really happened to those birds, check out this theory about chemical weapons, and a high up whistle blower who was murdered for trying to go public about the accident that led to the mass bird grave here.

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