Monday, January 10, 2011

Another sociopath, Another scapegoat

Everyone knows what happened in Arizona a couple days ago. It's quite sad, and reminded me of my feelings. It's strange how a horrific act of violence, committed by someone without feelings, tends to make the rest of us feel lots and lots of empathy. It's as if we all feel the very feelings those poor confused gun wielding sociopaths lack. I read about the incident on the internet, and the first article i found suggested that the 22 year old gunman was obsessed with conspiracy theories. This was the reason they gave for him going on a handgun rampage. Someone was printed saying that such conspiracy, controversial, anti government speech, was "free speech but has consequences."

I read on and the article said that the half retarded gunman was obsessed with debt and our currency system. They barely touched on his beliefs from that, but they quoted him as saying something about refusing to pay debt with a currency that's not backed by gold.
Lots of truthers, especially the more redneck ones, claim that most of the world's problems would be solved if we returned to a currency system backed entirely by the element, gold. They think of this as a more stable form of economic slavery, I suppose. I don't personally see how paying off debts based on a meaningless element is any more desirable than paying off debt based on a meaningless intangible digital money system.
More to the point, I don't see how killing little girls is going to make people think that they should maybe lobby to have congress remove the fed and return to a national currency based only on the national reserve of gold (atomic number 79). No matter how many kids you murder, I'm still going to think that giving mythical value to the popular jewelry is just as silly as the worship of paper money, and digital currency.
But anyway, I thought I'd go a little deeper and see if maybe the 22 yearold gunman was into some truth guru out there preaching to sociopaths that they should murder people. However, when I googled "Arizona Shooter" I couldn't find any information on the kid's political preferences. All I found was this website.

Now, I ain't gonna go all michel Moore on anyone, because frankly the fatso annoys me and i don't have liberal beliefs or otherwise. You can't tie down this unicorn with your pitiful leanings of right and left. My only point is that there is plenty of motivation in this unhealthy world and unhealthy system for sociopaths to go out and hurt people for no reason. They don't kill people to make a point, because they rarely have any sort of reasonable point to make. Sociopaths kill people because they don't know right from wrong. It doesn't matter if they are obsessed with the government, or The View. And it doesn't matter if they use a gun or a car, or the US Air Force, or a remote controlled drone. Hate and murder is not truth. Truth is truth.


  1. this is (was) his youtube channel:
