Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Kitten People Truth

Mostly when you think of Aliens and Annunaki and Reptilians and stuff, you think negativity. Those guys are always trying to hide their secrets and rule us and fuck up the planet.
So are there any super human-style beings out there who are positive? You know, aliens who are into yoga and mushrooms and Jurassic 5 and Burning Man? Good news! We have made contact. Well somewhere around 20,000 of us have heard the message of the Cat People. Don't worry, they come in peace, and they just want us to like love each other and shit. I love kitties. I like some people. And I'm all about love (truth). So, I've taken it upon myself to help them get their message out. Here she is. I don't know how high up in the Cat Person society she is. But in my mind she's the fucking queen of the omnibenevolent Cat People.

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