Sunday, January 9, 2011

Birds, Numbers, Magnets; how do they work?

Today, 1/9/11 or one 9/11, i thought of something. 3000 birds died when? 1/1/11. 1 1 11, 11/11. I realized the connection at 11:11 AM. It hit me like no plane ever hit the pentagon on one 9/11, 11:11. ONE, the first day the birds started falling. 9/11, the rest of that date. 9/11 always signifies the beginning of the end of the world. 11:11 the cosmic coordinator, that which ties us all together, that which shows us that we are in fact 1 and 1 and 1 and 1. How many birds died on 1/1/11 (11:11)? 3000. How many birds died in Louisiana at 11:11 on 1/1/11? 911 dead birds were reported collected. Add that to the Arkansas birds you get 3911 birds, plus the amount of dead fish in Arkansas (100,000)= 103911. Subtract the 61899 fish that died in Switzerland, and you get 42012. And i realized this all on/at 9/11:11. There you have it, 9/11:11=42012.
Which made me think it was a good idea to get high (420) and start thinking about 2012.
Which made me realize that this clearly has something to do with the poles shifting. Soon up will be down. Obviously birds will be effected first, (being the highest up) and fish second, being the furthest down. They simply can't survive the change. Can you blame them? Birds down? Fish up? It's ridiculous?
May 9/11:11=42012 save us all either before or after we all become 1` and die (becoming 0?).

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