Friday, January 7, 2011

The birds in the sky, the fish in the sea

So yesterday, we got into the mass amount of dead birds and talked a bit about how CNN doesn't have a fucking clue.
Today i wanted to try and tackle the truth about the dead birds and fish that have been turning up in droves. I have some possible solutions, but I ain't exactly satisfied. Again I am reminded that truth is dynamic not static.
First, this youtuber points out that this shit happened last year as well, around the same time. The news reported tons of dead birds falling from the sky in new york. So this happens annually, sort of. The youtuber goes on to claim that perhaps 2012 is responsible. I think pointing out last year's similar news reports, is quite relevant and i commend him or her, but I admit, I'm not sure where exactly he or she is going with 2012. Perhaps 42012. None the less here are some reports from a year ago of tons of birds dying.

So, again i don't see how 2012 is involved. However what i do notice, is that the news is always all over taking pictures of dead birds. Yesterday, I lashed out at CNN for teasing my truther brethren. Today I propose that CNN or rather the entire news media is killing all the birds and fish. Because they like to take pictures of dead things. One inside source, a photographer for the Mass Media said to me, "I love pointing a video camera at a dead animal, we all do. In fact the only thing we like more than getting a close up of a dead bird, is if we got like one thousand dead birds in the background."
I rest my case.

Next, many people are suggesting that HAARP is responsible. Their evidence is extremely technical and involves lots of charts and maps and measurements, and so just trust me that they got something going there. Basically, HAARP is the pentagon's earth quake machine, and it bounces radio waves off the ionosphere into the ground, and then bam earthquake, tsunami!!! Fuck! The more rural truthers think that the gov is planning some sort of giant earthquake and has been testing around the world, which is what's killing everything. These HAARP truthers have more foresight than me, because i fail to see what good an earthquake would be for the NWO. How do you blame an earthquake on terrorists? Perhaps you could use it as a reason to declare martial law and rule over the people with an iron fist. But i would think it would be easier to just keep ruling us with a fake democracy, and an all powerful global corporation based monarchy, and slave labor service jobs, and school debt, and delicious Taco Bell.

And I never thought I'd say this, but the Bible has some insight on the bird-fish danger zone. I would snort some speed (i prefer aderall to meth, because meth hurts my nose) before you try and read this bible verse, in order to stay awake for the entirety of it.
3 “I will sweep away both man and beast;
I will sweep away the birds in the sky
and the fish in the sea—
and the idols that cause the wicked to stumble.”[a]
“When I destroy all mankind
on the face of the earth,”
declares the LORD,

So there it is, i gotta say that's some pretty creepy shit about the bible saying the birds and fish will get swept and then it all happening and shit.
The only thing is that i was walking to get some booze for the end times, and i noticed all these fucking pigeons pecking away at a dorito, and i thought, "hey those guys aren't all dead and swept away?" And then i looked it up, and it turns out that tons of birds and fish are still not dead. In fact most of the birds and fish are not dead in the streets of Arkansas. Sooooo, maybe God is taking his time because he really wants to enjoy smiting all of his creations? OR maybe HAARP is God? Or maybe God is truth and so I'm HAARP?
Shit, i admit it, i still don't know what the fuck is going on.
But I'm digging a second bunker under my first bunker.


  1. Start panicking:
